Changes to the Small Lot Code - New side setbacks rules
A far more comprehensive Dwelling house (small lot) code will provide more flexibility for designers.
Width of Block
No longer will the definition of the Small lot code apply to the width of a block but by the overall size of the block. Previously any lot narrower than 15.0W was deemed as a small lot. Now a small lot is only determined by its area if it is less than 450m2 or a rear lot of less than 600m2 (excluding an access way).
New small lot side setbacks
Previously side setbacks were;
habitable areas (class 1) were 1.5M (to external walls) and
zero setbacks to built to boundary walls such as garages and laundry areas (Class 10).
New side setbacks typically have been reduced to;
1.0m to habitable areas (class 1)
0.5m for non habitable spaces (class 10) for a length of 9.0 in character and/or in low density areas and 15.0m in Low-medium density, medium density and high density areas.
0.0m under certain circumstances but must be constructed of a prefinished material and will require written consent from the adjacent neighbour.
All walls with a 0.5m setback or less can only have a maximum height of 3.5m
The new side setbacks are far more comprehensive and will provide building owners and neighbours with a better outcome.
You can read more at Small lot homes
